Whisper Tarot 1 – The Magician


If there’s one thing the Magician has, it’s power. But they have more than one thing. All four suits are placed on the table, and the infinity symbol rests just above his head. The suits represent spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional resources the seeker requires to manifest their dream. If The Magician appears in your reading, you have everything you need to fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals. The possibilities are endless.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock:
Wand by :devcgartiste: on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/cgartiste/art/Staff-of-the-Arcane-407405336
Sword and cup by me
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot – Three of Wands


Dream big! The Three of Wands represents success, whether it’s a project you’ve finished, a work in progress, or a future endeavor. It encourages you to pursue your vision–you’ve got this. Notice the gentleman is looking out over a city, perhaps his empire. He has a distant view, all the way to the river and beyond, and he can see the opportunities ahead of him.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock:
Jade by Jade Macalla on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/jademacalla/art/sc-4-18897315
Wands by frozenstocks on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Staves-Collection-2-169057505
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 15 – The Devil


The Devil usually depicts a man and woman (often The Lovers) chained to a podium where The Devil sits. The card represents attachment, addiction, possibly the seeker’s dark side and the negative forces that constrain them. Not always a negative card, it can represent a bond between two people, sexuality, or even the seeker’s wild side. Be careful, though. Keep those attachments and encounters healthy, and don’t let them become co-dependent or dangerous.

Podium by Whisper292
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 6 – The Lovers


Happy Valentines Day.

The Lovers card implies sexual attraction, beauty, love, and romance. It can represent the drawing together of opposites.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:
Candles by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash
Champagne Glasses by Niels Baars on Unsplash
All other elements purchased from Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot–Two of Cups


The Two of Cups represents relationships, partnerships, and deep connections. The card often depicts a romantic couple, but the partnership doesn’t have to be romantic love, as shown by the two children on the card. This could be a business partnership, a close friendship, or any relationship based on mutual respect, unconditional love, and shared interests.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:
Water by simplybackgrounds – https://www.deviantart.com/simplybackgrounds/art/Water-Texture-49283686
Rocks by presterjohnstock – https://www.deviantart.com/presterjohnstock/art/Precut-Stones-324617908
Grass by beautelle-stock – https://www.deviantart.com/beautelle-stock/art/Grass-63296452
Wizard’s Circle by frozenstocks – https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Wizard-s-Circle-305872840
Cups by me
Children and template elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot 16 – The Tower


Not all change is good, but if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stranger stronger. The Tower represents major chaos and upheaval. This could be any traumatic event, from a death in the family to health issues, even a natural disaster. Perhaps in a moment of clarity (represented by the lightning bolt), you realize you have been lying to yourself about something, and now it is time to face the consequences. But the best way out is through. Just let it happen, hopefully take comfort and encouragement from the cards surrounding The Tower, and move on, stronger and wiser.

Thanks to :iconzsoltkosa: for the flame and smoke brushes.
All other elements are courtesy of Shutterstock and Unsplash.

Whisper Tarot 11 – Justice


Justice means exactly what one might think. It represents truth, fairness, the law, and justice itself. A judgment may be at hand, but this card predicts that it will be fair and impartial, whether the seeker wants justice or is facing it. Keep in mind, we’re all responsible for our own actions and will be held accountable.

Thanks to Alexandra Mueller for the image of the sky.
All other stock images courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot – Eight of Wands



The Eight of Wands represents movement. Things are about to get busy, and it’s an exciting time. The card portends fast-paced change or could even indicate air travel. The seeker is free to take action and move forward with plans that they may have been hesitating on.

Wands in template and flying wands: Frozenstocks on DeviantArt —  https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Staves-Collection-1-169057383
Remainder of Template, planes, and sky courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 3 – The Empress


The Empress card urges us to connect with our feminine side (even the menfolk). As you can see, the Empress is pregnant, and the stork is flying in. It’s a card of fertility, but also one of creation. She urges you to connect with Mother Nature and create beauty in your life. This could be through art, through kindness, or through other types of positive change. 

Model courtesy of Unsplash. All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot – Ace of Swords


The Ace of Swords is a card of triumph, power, justice & conquest. It represents a champion, hero, or leader—a force to be reckoned with. It may also indicate a new point of view or discovery.

Hand is the hubby’s. Photo by me
Sword by me
All other artwork courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 19 – The Sun


The Sun represents success and abundance. It also encourages you to have hope because your positive energy will bring you success and happiness. If you are going through a rough patch, the Sun is here to tell you not to give up. It will pass, and good times will return.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:

Sunshine and sky by Photohouse on Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/photohouse/art/Bright-Sky-5-Into-the-sun-61147181
All elements of template purchased from Shutterstock
The child and the sunflowers also courtesy of Shutterstock.

The Skyrim Tarot Saga Begins Anew


Several years ago (like ten, okay?) I finished and posted The Skyrim Tarot. At the same time, I contacted Bethesda Softworks to try to get permission to publish it. I was told only employees of Bethesda could submit artwork.

Fast forward to today. I was on Amazon, and guess what I found. Go ahead. Guess.

The thing is, THAT Skyrim Tarot didn’t have anything on it that indicated it was approved by Bethesda. It was just inspired by Skyrim.

I did what any self-respecting person would do. I went the petty direction and wrote a letter to Bethesda.

I doubt it will go anywhere, but keep your fingers crossed. I’ll keep you posted.

Oh, yeah. And mine’s better.

Whisper Tarot – 2 of Swords


The Two of Swords represents a decision, perhaps one the seeker is struggling with or has been avoiding. Also, the seeker may be putting up emotional barriers that they must break through to move forward.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:
Leon and swords by mjranum-stock on DeviantArt – https://www.deviantart.com/mjranum-stock/art/Mulch-r-1-257782232
Leon’s Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/get2knowpro/
Dock, storm, and template elements courtesy of Shutterstock.
Blindfold by me.

Whisper Tarot – 8 of Cups


The secret to a long life is knowing when it’s time to go. The 8 of Cups represents disappointment, escapism, perhaps abandonment. It’s the compulsion to get away from a bad situation. Something is missing from your life, and it is time to move on and find out what it is.

Thanks to Jaded-Reflection on Deviant Art for use of the Cup. https://www.deviantart.com/jaded-reflection/art/Cup-04-85716535

Template and all other elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot – Three of Swords


Among other things, Swords is a suit of strife. The Three represents a painful loss, loneliness, grief, and heartbreak. NOT a happy card.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:
Heart by elevit-stock on Deviant Art
Tornado by ashensorrow on Deviant Art
Rain by dbszabo1 on Deviant Art
All template elements courtesy of Shutterstock
Swords are all photographed by me

Whisper Tarot — Ace of Coins


A WORD ABOUT PENTACLES VERSUS COINS: In my mind, as far as the tarot is concerned, they’re the same thing. I have chosen to name the suit Coins in the Whisper Tarot because, in addition to pentacles themselves, I will be using different types of coins, partly because I appreciate the artwork I’ve found and partly to correspond with my own faith, which is strong, but it’s all over the place. You have no idea.

The suit of Coins represents the Earth element, the North (correct me if I’m wrong), and the color Green. The Ace of Coins signifies new beginnings, so if this card appears in a reading, it could mean a financial or career opportunity–or even a new relationship. It signifies wealth, but remember, there are different kinds of wealth.

Thanks to the following Deviant Art stock artists:
Japanese Garden by :devtwo-ladies-stocks: https://www.deviantart.com/two-ladies-stocks/art/japanese-garden-III-66316090Gong by :devangelkast: https://www.deviantart.com/angelkast/art/gong-stock-154360925

Torii: Thanks to Unsplash stock artist Michael Bühler: https://unsplash.com/photos/gJrnJorVW4k

Template and coin courtesy of Shutterstock
Sky is my own photography.

Comments and critiques always welcome.


Whisper Tarot 8 – Strength


Strength is a card of the spiritual over the material, love over hate, the triumph of a higher nature. It indicates someone who has the ability to soothe others’ grief or solve their problems. It represents courage, will, quiet inner strength.

The beautiful lady is my daughter Aspen, who embodies all of these things. She’s a loyal friend and confidante, a little mother since she was old enough to walk, and so full of love. She’s also a fellow tattoo lover, although the infinity symbol on her arm is a stock image and not a tattoo.

Dragon by   – www.deviantart.com/elevit-stoc…
Aspen by me
Template and all other stock purchased from Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot 0 – The Fool


This is the first of my updated Whisper Tarot deck. I’m hoping to ultimately get this one published, so wish me luck.

This is Max, affectionately known as our “idiot child.” Totally in jest, mind you, because he’s all grown up now and possibly the most mature person in the family. He’s marrying his middle- and high-school sweetheart in November, and I couldn’t be more proud. He’s still the best one for this card. You will probably be several cards featuring him throughout the deck.

The Major Arcana depicts a journey, beginning with The Fool, who represents folly, innocence, lack of discipline or restraint. Possibly a crossroads, a variety of paths to choose from. It’s a clean slate, a fresh start, full of potential. The journey will lead The Fool to The World, the end of the journey, and (hopefully) a complete understanding of their path.

Max was photographed by me.
Mask by Lilystox on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/lilystox/art/Mask-58420207
All other elements–Dancing Doggo lighthouse, sky, and wave purchased from Shutterstock.

All elements of the template, including the ribbon, dot, border, and background were purchased from Shutterstock.

Moon Deck 24 Sketch


I’ve been learning to draw, and while most of my work looks like crap, I do one occasionally that I really like. This is from an oracle deck called the Moon Deck. The card is No. 24, I love Myself Completely and Unconditionally. I hope you enjoy.

Across the Pond


Are things really that different on the other side of the Atlantic?


I found a great channel on YouTube called Lost in the Pond. Lawrence has lots of videos covering memos between the U.S. and Britain that seem to have gotten lost in the pond. Check it out.

Horror Writing Prompt: Morse Code



My response. I would love to see your all’s responses in the comments (no judgments on “your all’s,” please. I’m from Kentucky, and here it’s a totally valid phrase.).


I was conscripted into the military. We all were, really. The unit I was assigned to was being prepared for infiltration behind enemy lines, and I learned their languages. One of those languages I learned was a system of dashes and dots they called Morse Code, after the man who invented it. And it changed my life forever.

Ever since I learned it, I’ve heard messages in places that made no sense. The rain tells me to run.

.-. ..- -.

The treads of a tank rolling by tell me to hide.

…. .. -.. .

The drums played at a nearby temple tell me time is running out.

– .. — . / .. … / .-. ..- -. -. .. -. –. / — ..- –

Even the anchor chain of a ship in the harbor says to get away.

–. . – / .- .– .- -.–

This morning, as I look up to see two small planes flying over, a motorcycle goes by, and the engine growls that it’s too late.

– — — / .-.. .- – .

My world is suddenly filled with blinding light. When my vision clears, I see a strange cloud rising over Hiroshima. A blast of hurricane-force wind slams into me, and then I feel nothing at all.

I should have listened.

Pause . . .


I made a meme. The idea was the hubby’s, the stock is from Shutterstock, and the manip is mine. I may start using this as a template for my random musings. She looks like me, so it fits.

Feel free to share anywhere and everywhere.

Turns out the song
"The Men All Pause"
by Klymaxx
is NOT
about a woman
going through the change.
I stand corrected.

June Ends in Schardein’s House O’ Madness


Hello, all! I hope everyone is doing well. My life is still a roller coaster, but at least things are moving along. We’ve moved into the new house and gotten rid of the two old ones, and it’s my greatest hope that someday we’ll clear out :devchesscoach:’s family’s crap sometime this year so we can finally put our stuff away. Not to mention getting everything we want to donate OUT OF THE FRACKING HOUSE! Anybody need a fridge?

The good thing about his family leaving the stuff in the house is the treasure. We’ve found so many things that we could sell, but also sentimental items, collections, and office supplies out the wazoo. We will never have to buy paper clips again. Plus, she left us a sewing machine and a plethora of thread, yarn, fabric, yadda yadda yadda. I’m going to have to learn to sew.

Sasha is growing up fast, and she’s absolutely the sweetest thing. We recently got her spayed, and the Cone of Shame didn’t slow her down for a second. She has weird sleeping habits, though . . .

Napping June 29 2020

I got a new toy–a Canon EOS 250D camera!!! I’m going to start playing with it today, and I’m hoping to upload some fantastic (or at least halfway decent) pics in the near future. Wish me luck!

Also, I’m still working on my controversial ESO time travel fanfic. It’ll be a while before I post it; I’ve started too many fanfics in ESO and just sort of abandoned them, so I want to get a good bit of the story under my belt before I start posting.

That’s it for now. I love you guys, and I will talk to you soon.

A New Pile of Stuff with a Cover


Schardein’s House O’ Madness has relocated. I may have mentioned in another post that my Mother-in-Law had passed. She had a very nice home, and hubby inherited a fourth of it. The other siblings agreed, and we bought out their portions and are moving in. YAAAAAAYY! Our other house was really crappy.

The problem with this house is that we have more stuff than house, which is bizarre, because it’s actually bigger. When we bought the other one, we combined three full houses worth of stuff, and my mom and our three kids lived there with us. The house was big, but we still had enough stuff that we needed a storage unit. I loved to put on my bios that we lived in a big, loud, crowded, messy, happy house. But the munchkins all grew up and moved away, Mama passed on, and they all left their stuff! Basically, the crowd left. So we still had all that stuff, plus fifteen years worth of new stuff.

Enter George Carlin. https://youtu.be/MvgN5gCuLac

The first thing we did was rent a dumpster for a week. We filled it up pretty quickly and rented another dumpster for the next week. It still wasn’t enough, so we resolved to rent one a week before we moved. And guess what: that’s right. It still wasn’t enough. But we had to be out of the house on a specific day, so we had to bring our junk–and a crap ton of donatables–with us.

And it gets better. All of my mother-in-law’s stuff is here, too! Almost nothing has been cleared out, so we’re having to go through her stuff and decide what to get rid of. I’m not just talking furniture here. I’m talking clothes, kitchen ware, cleaning supplies. Toiletries. Medicines. I found a bottle of liniment that I’m pretty sure is older than I am!

So. At the moment, our house is just as George says–it’s a pile of stuff with a cover on it. Every room looks like the warehouse from the last scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I wouldn’t be surprised to find the Ark of the Covenant in there somewhere.

Dumpster No. 4 is coming tomorrow, and we’re going to rent a U-Haul to take our donatables to the Goodwill (yes, we have that many). Maybe then we can find the stuff that matters. Like my socks. We have all our other clothes, but my socks have completely disappeared. Maybe they’re in the Hozone Layer.

I hope we find them soon. I’ve been wearing the hubby’s socks for days.

All that said, the house is absolutely gorgeous, and we love it. We’re whittling away at the stuff bit by bit, and we’re planning to have a gigantic yard sale. Hopefully soon, it will be clean and pretty and I can start playing ESO and writing again. Till then, say nice things about me, will ya?

Meet Sasha!


So here we were on a Monday night around 8:30 or so, sitting on the sofa and watching Black Lightning, when the hubby turns to me and says, “What do you think of this little guy?” He hands me his phone, and there’s a picture of an adorable little Siberian Husky puppy. We share cute dog pics all the time, so I didn’t think anything unusual was going on. I responded with, “D’awwww,” and he said, “she’s available for sale not too far from here.”

We needed a new puppy like we needed a hole in the head. He had said so many times that we couldn’t afford another dog right now and that maybe we’d think about that down the line. But you never know when you’re going to fall in love, so I relented. I had wanted a third dog, anyway, although another Great Dane would have been my first choice. Long story short (too late), we drove to Mayfield, KY (which is apparently the worst place in Kentucky to live) and picked her up. How could we resist? I mean, just look at those blue eyes!

She’s four months old at this point, maybe 20 pounds, and she’s adorable. She’s a little scamp, though, too smart for her own good. She’s also very vocal and “talks” all the time, which is typical for a husky. The other dogs love her, especially Harley, and they play constantly. We all love our new baby and are looking forward to the day she is finally house trained!

So . . . How Ya Been?


This is just a general update on what’s been going on with me so I can keep everyone in the loop. Everybody knows that the world is falling apart around us, so instead of crying, let’s laugh a bit with a photomanip I posted a couple of years ago. Not my best work, but the message is profound–and kinda funny. It is, right? Right? RIGHT?

Where Are We Going? And What’s With this Handbasket?

M’kay. Now that that’s out of the way, how has everybody been? Schardein’s House O’ Madness went through about eight weeks of utter hell, but things have calmed down a bit. There’s still a lot going on, but they’re potentially very good things, and at least we aren’t running around like chickens with our heads cut off at the moment. Here are some of the other good things I’m doing.

Vampire: the Masquerade

A friend and I are putting together a new VtM V.20 campaign out on Discord. We’re a ways off from getting it running, but if any VtM fans or other roleplayers are interested in taking a look, let me know and I’ll notify you when it’s finally up. Or, if you’re just interested in hearing our concept, I’ll be glad to share that, too. I think it’s a bit unusual, and people will probably either love it or hate it. As long as they don’t say it’s boring, I’ll be happy.

The new campaign will affect my “Something Went Wrong, Apparently,” fanfic so I’m taking it down. Hopefully I’ll be able to post some short stories or fanfic from our new campaign.

Remember Selene?

My Selene Stormblade fanfiction was a huge labor of love for me, and it was so hard to let it go. But I stopped playing Skyrim and began playing ESO, which is set about 900 years beforehand, so I had to move on. Unfortunately, the half a dozen ESO fanfictions I started didn’t go anywhere, and I’ve taken them down.

But. I’ve found a way to bring Selene into the ESO story (and hopefully Brynjolf at some point). It’s nowhere near canon, so if you’re an Elder Scrolls lore junkie, don’t say you weren’t warned. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but be kind and don’t tell me it’s not lore-friendly because you’ll already know that.

I’ve just started the story, and I’m going to get a few chapters under my belt before I post anything, mostly so I don’t have people faving it a year from now and waiting for new chapters that will never come. I haven’t even finished Chapter One yet, but it feels like coming home.

Speaking of coming home:

Lito’s Children

Hubby and I are still working on Book Two. It’ll be finished and published someday. I just know it.

SHAMELESS PLUG: In the meantime, if you haven’t read Book One, The Order of the White Guard, do check it out. It’s nearly ten years old now, but we’re still hawking it. Here is a preview, and here is the link to the page on Amazon. tinyurl.com/3lpne2wn For Kindle Unlimited users, it’s a free download. This is a second edition. We lowered the price and made a minor change, so if you’ve already read it and want to know what we changed, just let me know. If you order, PLEASE order direction from Amazon, not from the used and new links. Those assholes never even bought the book. And leave a review! And tell your friends!

“Mom? What’s that Other Dane Doing?”


Gambit, when he was alive, would “sing” along with the Jeopardy! theme. The music would start, and he would howl like you wouldn’t believe, stopping occasionally to look back at my mom, who would tell him how lovely it sounded. Then he would start again. Up to now, that was the most original thing a pet I’d had ever did. Until Harley.

I know people have talked about pets watching TV, but I’d never actually seen it. But here she is. I cast my computer monitor to the TV, and she will watch me if I’m playing ESO or something with a lot of movement. Or she’ll just sit next to hubby and me when we’re watching a show. That’s an adventure in and of itself, because our couch isn’t very big.

This is what happened the other day when we were watching a YouTube video of funny Great Danes. Mr. Bill was unimpressed.

Goodbye, Sugar


We lost Sugar a few months ago. She had incurable cancer, and treating her, even just keeping her comfortable, was going to cost thousands of dollars, so we had to let her go. But she had lived a good, long life, most of which was with us. She was fifteen years old, and we had adopted her from friends when she was two.

I held her till the end, and then I cried my eyes out. But I’m a big believer in the Rainbow Bridge, and I know she’ll be waiting there for me.

Two – Little Conversations


“I could not help feeling that they were evil things–
mountains of madness whose farther slopes looked out
over some accursed ultimate abyss.”

H.P. Lovecraft

After Alex hung up with the Sheriff, he made another call. A sultry feminine voice answered after a few rings.

“Bon soir, mon ami!”

“Bon soir,” he replied. “How is my favorite witch this eve?”

“Wicked,” she said with a giggle.

It was a conversation they’d had a dozen times in the past year or so. When she had changed her name last December, she had chosen Morgan after Morgan le Fey from King Arthur lore, but through endless jesting and teasing, they had somehow come around to the Wicked Witch of the West.

Alex loved this vibrant woman so. In 200 years, he had never met anyone like her. He had become jaded, aloof, and he would never have even thought of playful banter, with his childer or anyone else. But Diane would have none of it. She had rejuvenated him, forced him to come out of his shell and enjoy his existence again, and he had rewarded her with the Embrace. He counted the nights till the time her studies ended so she could rejoin him here in New Orleans.

“So. What’s going on in the Big Easy?” she asked, pulling him out of his reverie. “Anything juicy?”

He chuckled. “That’s one way to put it. You might be interested to know a couple of kine crossed my threshold tonight. They were looking for you.”

There was a pregnant pause on the line, and then, “Who?”

“She said her name was Margie.”

“I don’t know her.”

“Oh, I think you do. She claims to be your sister.”

“Oh, shit! Should I come home?”

“Not just yet. You must complete your studies, and there’s more to this. They didn’t say so, but a little telepathy told a much bigger story. Besides, we may already have a Masquerade violation on our hands. Let us not make it worse by letting your sister see what you’ve become before the time is right.”

Morgan let out a heavy sigh. “Gods damn it, I should have known she wouldn’t let it go. Let me guess: the boyfriend is really her partner, and they’re still investigating my disappearance.”

“Eh, yes and no. They’re investigating a series of murders that may be Sabbat related. I believe they used your photo to get a foot in the door here. I’ve phoned the Sheriff.”

“Alex, please don’t let him hurt them,” she entreated him with a quiver in her voice. “Please.”

“No one will hurt them, cheri, I give you my word.”

“Well, keep me posted and let me know if I should come home. Je t’aime.”

Je t’aime aussi. Goodnight, my love.”

* * *

Michael and Janelle waited twenty minutes for Mister Guidry’s return. They chatted quietly, staying in character in case he was listening. Michael finally got impatient and got up to go find their host, but the front door opened and two men came through the shop. He sat back down and eyed them curiously.

Both were wearing expensive business suits, and neither looked comfortable in them. One was imposing and looked like a hitman for the mob, or maybe a professional wrestler. He even had the blond hair and scarred forehead you might see on a seasoned veteran of the ring. He blocked the doorway, arms folded, and scowled at them. The other was smaller, with olive skin, tousled black hair, and a scruffy beard. And a warm smile. He had something Michael had never seen before other than on some ex-cons: face tattoos. The two marks were elaborate, both black and done in a flame motif. One of them crossed from his forehead to his left temple, and the other stretched from his lower right cheek down his neck.

“Ah, good, you’re here,” said Mister Guidry as he came down the stairs. “Mister Kai, what a pleasant surprise! I didn’t expect to see you here.”

The smaller man shrugged. “I was in the neighborhood.”

Guidry waved his hand toward the two on the couch. “Justin Schneider, Kai Kekoa, meet Steven and Margie Stanfield.”

“Oh, we’re not married,” they said in unison.

The wrestler stepped into the room and loomed over them. “I hear you’re looking for someone. And your search has led you . . . here. How did that happen?”

Michael wasn’t one to be intimidated, so he stood up. Schneider had barely given him room to move, but he did it anyway, pressing up against the larger man. “Dude. Why don’t you back up a bit? You’re scarin’ mah girlfriend.”

Schneider didn’t move, simply stood and glared down at him. Michael did the only thing he could think of. He climbed up on the couch and smiled down at the larger man.

Justin Schneider smiled back, but it was a cold smile. He still waited for Michael to answer.

“We’ve hit pretty much every occult shop in town,” he finally replied. “I think this is the last one we hadn’t been to.”

“And why the occult shops?”

Michael grimaced and regarded the giant suspiciously. He had conducted countless interrogations, and he knew one when he saw it. This gigantor was interrogating him. He couldn’t fathom why, unless he and Janelle had walked into some sort of trap. He looked down at Janelle, and she shrugged, so he told the truth. “Diane was pretty active in the occult community. We’re hopin’ we can find a connection somewhere.”

He turned his head toward Guidry, who was chatting quietly with Kai. “You said you could help,” he reminded the proprietor. “But I’m startin’ to feel like we’re helping you. What gives?”

Kai chuckled. “He’s not afraid of you at all, is he, Justin?”

“I bet I can make him scared.”

That would take some effort. Michael had seen a lot, and he wasn’t afraid of much, and certainly not any man, no matter how big he was.

“Now, now,” Guidry chided him. “Why don’t we take a beat and discuss ways we can help each other?”

Justin stepped back, and Michael sat back down.

“Your sister has been here,” Guidry assured Janelle. “She did not stay long, and I don’t know where she went.”

There was a tell, a minute tic of the eye, that Guidry probably didn’t even notice. But Michael did. Guidry was lying.

“Well, what did she do while she was here?” Janelle asked.

“Oh, just some shopping. Friendly girl, I remember that. Very pretty. You look very much alike.”

“And that’s why you had to call in goons?” she challenged him. “Did you think you were gonna need protection after you gave us such measly information?”

Kai smiled broadly and stepped closer, then sat down next to Michael. “My, do we have a pair here! Who are you two really?”

Michael furrowed a brow. “Whadda ya mean, ‘really’? We told you.”

Kai stared intently into his eyes for a long moment, then said, “I can spot a lie, too, my friend.”

“I’m certain you noticed his aura,” Guidry suggested.

“Oh, yes. Your aura screams . . . Michael.”

A chill went down Michael’s spine. “What the hell?”

“Somehow, I don’t think that was just a good guess,” Janelle accused the tattooed man. “How did you know his name?”

“Would you believe I can read his mind?”

“Not for a second,” Michael grunted. He held his gaze boldly, refusing to let this asshole know he was spooked.

“Clairvoyance, I’ve seen,” said Janelle, her heavy Cajun accent dropping slightly. “But telepathy is a myth.”

“Is it, though, Janelle?”

Schneider chuckled. “My size didn’t scare you, but that did, didn’t it? I can smell it on you.”

“I think it’s time we left,” Michael announced. He started to stand up, but Kai placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“My apologies, Michael. I truly didn’t mean to scare you. Sometimes, when the situation is right, I’m compelled to show off.” He looked up at Guidry. “I think we might be able to help each other out, don’t you?”

Guidry shrugged. “If you think it’s advisable. But I’ll need to make a call.”

“By all means, bring her here.” He turned back to Michael.

“Oh, God,” the big man groaned. “How many times have we had this conversation, only for it to end badly?”

Kai ignored him and turned back to the couple. “What do you really do, Michael? Police? Private investigator?”

Michael bit his lip so hard it bled, but the compulsion to answer was so powerful that he practically blurted it out. “NOPD. Eighth District.”

“And you’re working the Diane Stanfield case? Or is there more?”

Again, he felt as though someone were forcing the words from his mouth. “More. Some reports of human sacrifices.”

Schneider groaned. “Let me guess. Reports of people getting their heads bashed in. But when you arrived at the scene, you found empty graves.”

“We are so dead,” Janelle muttered.

* * *

The night is quiet as he and his team make their way through the city in the wee hours of the morning. Really quiet–too quiet. When the attack comes, it’s out of nowhere. His team, half a dozen experienced Navy SEALs with the acute senses of men who have spent years operating in the shadows, are taken completely by surprise.

Everything is a blur, and what he does see is terrible. So terrible. Monstrous creatures, fangs, claws, screams, sprays of blood. He shoots them, but it only makes them angry. Or worse, it makes them laugh. A head flies by, and his clothes get splattered with brains. Something grabs him from behind and bites him. He screams, fights, the creature snarls–

* * *


He opened his eyes and sat up in bed, a scream still on his lips. He was trembling and drenched with sweat, but the terror faded quickly. In the two seconds it took for him to shake himself awake and look back at Janelle, he relaxed and was fine. He didn’t even remember having a nightmare.

“What?” he asked abruptly.

“What do you mean, ‘what’? You were thrashing and screaming bloody murder. Scared the hell out of me.”

With that, he shrugged. “Dunno. I don’t remem–wait–how did we get here?” The last thing he could recall was that guy with the tattooed face sitting down next to him, and now he was at home in his own bed.

“I was going to ask you the same thing. I woke up when you started screaming, and I have no idea how we got here, either. Look at the clock.”

Michael looked over to see that it was 0500. They had entered Mister Guidry’s around 2030 last night and had been there about a half hour when the two men arrived. What the hell had they been doing for the last eight hours? A violent chill shook his entire body, and he began to hyperventilate. Sheer terror overtook him, and it was all he could do to keep from shrieking. He had felt like this before.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” he whimpered over and over.

Janelle placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he suddenly realized he was curled up with his arms over his knees, rocking back and forth and dripping with sweat.

“Babe. Babe! What is it?” she prodded with a look of horror on her face.

He looked at her with bewilderment. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.” He turned and started to get out of bed when he noticed a piece of folded paper on the nightstand. He picked it up and opened it. It was a note, written by someone with a shaky hand.

“There is no way I’m calling that number,” Michael declared.

Five minutes later, he was picking up the phone.

Thank You.


November 11 is Veterans Day in the U.S. and Remembrance Day in Canada. It’s when we take time to remember fallen military personnel, but also the veterans and those currently serving. My dad and father-in-law both served in WWII. My brother-in-law is also a vet. My nephew is currently serving in the Air Force and flies the gigantic C-130’s. We’re very proud of him. I also have several good friends who are vets or currently serve. I’m grateful to all of you for your service.

But not just them. Thank you to all soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, veterans, and others who put your lives on the line every day to protect our country. Yours can be a thankless job, but you are the real superheroes.

Jump Scares From 8-year Olds


The kids next door put on a “haunted trail” last night. The back corner of their back yard has lots of trees and fallen branches, in addition to all the fallen leaves. They cleared out a path and marked it with luminaries and creepy little signs, but overall, it was pretty dark. Then, while walking through the trail, the kids would jump out and scream at you. Pretty tame, right?


I paused The Blair Witch Project to go over there. Those little guys elicited some very real screams from me. Best Halloween ever, and October 31 isn’t for three days.

Creepy? Or is it Just Me?


This photo was an accident. I noticed the hubby had placed an Amazon envelope just so in front of my owl pillow to give it a smile, so I decided to take a picture. But I was half asleep and didn’t turn on the light or the flash, and this was the result. This is mostly undoctored; I just changed the contrast a bit so you could see more of the dark spots. Nothing supernatural here (I checked), just some mundane objects and interesting lighting to make what I hope you guys agree is a really creepy tableau.



I got a message today that I had a new follower–thanks, healerrachel–so I decided to check my stats. For some amazing reason, I have 97 followers! WOO HOO!

Thanks so much to all of you for your support. I had no idea there were so many of you! With that in mind, I’ll start posting more, even if it’s just a random musing. If/when I make it to 100, I’ll try to do something special. I have no idea what form that will take, but I’ll think on it.

And yes, that’s me, about a million years ago.

What Am I Doing Today?
Drinking: Coffee, the elixir of the gods
Eating: Nothing at the moment
Watching: The Man in the High Castle
Writing: Vampire: the Masquerade Fanfiction
Playing: Elder Scrolls Online and Vampire: the Masquerade

One – Step Into My Parlor.


“There are horrors beyond life’s edge that we do not suspect,
and once in a while man’s evil prying calls them just within our range.”

H.P. Lovecraft


People live in one of two worlds: either they live in a safe fantasy where all is right with the world and bad things happen to other people, or they live in the real world. Michael Connor used to believe the “real world” consisted of those who wanted to–and would–steal, harm, kill, manipulate, wage war, and basically do all manner of evil things to suit their own agendas. It still did, he supposed, but it turned out there was another world, a third one, that he was not prepared for. And it had nothing to do with the gorgeous witch standing next to him.

From the outside, the storefront looked like your typical New Orleans occult gift shop. The display window was crammed full of creepy looking merchandise set against a purple backdrop, along with neon signs that read, “Tarot Readings,” “Discover Your Psychic Awareness,” and “Meeting Site for French Quarter Ghost Tour.” The sign over the door was not neon, and it was lit with only a soft-white bulb. It was hard to see amid the garish lights of the Quarter’s nighttime atmosphere, which Mike suspected was by design. The sign said “Mister Guidry’s Arcane Emporium” and had a tiny metallic symbol attached in the bottom right-hand corner. The symbol was a stylized sword with what looked like a halo around the hilt. It was so subtle that it was almost invisible, and Mike had to squint to make it out.

There were a dozen of these shops in the Quarter, and more than half of them were a front for some sort of organized crime syndicate or gang. At the very least, they were paying protection money to someone. Most of the others–most–were scams. According to Janelle, two or three of them were legitimate psychics or witches. Their readings were accurate, and their magickal items actually worked. This shop, however, was a mystery. It had been here forever, and the proprietor had kept his nose clean. The only stories that came out of this place were good reviews. Even Janelle, who was thoroughly dialed into the city’s occult subculture, knew next to nothing about the shop. That alone made Mike suspicious.

Once upon a time, the NOPD had gotten several calls a week about cults that were doing something nefarious; but more often than not, they turned out to be mundane, just not exactly Christian. People were more tolerant these days, or at least less fearful. When they did call, the cops were experienced enough to determine if there really was something nefarious going on or if the “cultists” were just doing their own thing. That said, they had instituted an Occult Investigations Task Force, the only one in the U.S. It consisted of a handful of uniformed officers, consultants, and researchers, most with some experience or knowledge of the occult. Janelle was one of four detectives working in the field, all of them with personal life experience in such a community.

Once in a while, one of local groups garnered the wrong kind of attention. Six months ago, the task force started getting reports of a cult that was performing human sacrifices. One even said they had witnessed a gang smashing someone over the head and burying them alive.  There was evidence of activity at the crime scene, and the ground had been dug up and then recovered. A dig revealed no body and, oddly, no forensic evidence whatsoever. It was as though they had dug the hole and then immediately covered it back up while wearing hazmat suits. It was unusual enough for the department to open an investigation, and after way too long, the search had led them here to Mister Guidry’s.

This case had turned into quite a saga. For Mike part, it had started with a standard murder investigation. He was a detective with NOPD’s Sixth District, and at first, it hadn’t seemed like anything unusual. It turned out there was a lot more to it, and he had been working the case for months, following one lead after another, until it had led him to the Eighth District and the French Quarter, where he crossed paths with Janelle. She was working the human sacrifice case and had been undercover for six months. It didn’t take much to figure out they were basically working the same case, so they joined forces–in more ways than one, but now wasn’t the time to think about that. They were on the job.

Mike and Janelle entered the establishment and paused just inside the door, arguing quietly. Mike was in his mid-30’s, red haired and green eyed, above average in height and solidly built, with a plain face and a pronounced slouch. He wore board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, with Birkenstocks on his feet, small gold hoops in his ears, and a pentacle amulet around his neck. A fake sleeve tattoo covered his right arm. Janelle was a black-haired, blue-eyed beauty who looked like every sexy witch poster Mike had ever seen. She was fair-skinned and svelte, and she usually wore some sort of Bohemian style of clothing unless she expected to be running after a perp. Today, she wore a black spaghetti-strap dress with half a dozen tattoos showing on her arms. Some of the tattoos were real, but some had been placed there to enhance her look. Pentacles hung around her neck and from her ears. She was the epitome of a goth chick, and they made an odd pair. Then again, it was The Big Easy, and you never knew what you were going to see.

“We shouldn’t be here, babe,” Mike whispered with a mild Southern drawl.

Pour l’amour des dieux, cher, how many times do we have to have this conversation?” Janelle replied in an exaggerated Cajun accent. “We’ve gotta find out what happened to her, Steven. It’s been months, and the cops aren’t doin’ shit.”

“Well, if these guys do know something, what makes you think they’re gonna tell us? More likely, we’ll end up like Diane.”

A man walked out of the back room and around the counter to join them by the door. He was short, maybe 5’6″ tall, with pale skin, black hair, and inky black eyes. He had a broad, friendly smile on his face as he approached. “Welcome to Mister Guidry’s. How can I help you?”

Janelle pulled a small picture out of her bra and handed it to the man. “We’re looking for her,” she said shakily. “Have you seen her?”

He examined the picture closely and then looked back at them, studying them as intently. “What’s your name, love?”

“Why do you want to know her name?” Mike demanded.

“Just courtesy, I assure you. I’m Mister Guidry.”

“Margie. It’s Margie. That’s Steven. Diane is my sister.”


“Yeah. Diane Stanfield.”

He peered at them for a long moment, and Mike got the distinct impression this creepy guy was reading their minds. Or just reading them. It could just be part of the occult shop’s schtick, but it didn’t seem like an act. Something was . . . off . . . about Guidry, and it made Mike extremely uncomfortable.

The proprietor finally handed the picture back to Janelle. “I believe I can help you,” he said magnanimously.

Janelle’s pale face lit up. “You’ve seen her? Where?”

“Let me make some calls.”

“Calls?” Mike repeated. “To who?”

“Follow me, please.”

“I don’t think–“

“Follow. Me.”

The compulsion to follow Mister Guidry was overwhelming, and Mike took Janelle’s hand and led her to the back of the shop to a waiting area with some comfortable chairs, several candles burning, and soft music playing “Something About the Way You Look Tonight” by Elton John.

“Have a seat,” Guidry instructed them. “I’ll be with you in a moment. There is coffee and tea on the sideboard if you’re interested.”

Janelle gave Mike a perplexed look, but she sat down and pulled him with her as Guidry ascended a set of stairs at the back of the room. “I get nothing from this guy,” she whispered. “You?”

“He seemed awfully eager to help. And there’s something about him I can’t put my finger on.”

“Eerie, right? Kind of . . . off.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

She tilted her head curiously. “We could be in the right place.”

“Keep your eyes open.”

She flashed a stunning grin at him, showing perfect, white teeth that her parents had paid thousands of dollars for. “Always do.”

* * *

Alex made his way upstairs, out of earshot, to his apartment. It looked how one might expect a French Quarter psychic’s home to look–baroque, with lots of deep colors, shelves full of crystals, herbs, potions, and several occult symbols hanging on the walls. It had been centuries since he had used such things, but they still made him feel at home, so he kept them around. Besides, the neonates seemed to appreciate them, as well.

He sat down at a massive, ornate desk and made a few notes in the laptop sitting to the right; then he picked up the phone and dialed.

“Davis,” a gruff male voice barked on the other end after four rings.

“Sheriff, it’s Alex Guidry. I have evidence that we may have a Masquerade violation.”

Something Went Wrong, Apparently.


Not with me. At least, not now. This is the title of my new Vampire: the Masquerade fanfiction.

A unspeakable incident while Michael Connor was a Navy SEAL utterly broke him. Fortunately, he doesn’t remember it. He becomes a detective in the New Orleans PD and gets the attention of the local Kindred during a murder investigation. This story chronicles his adventures over the next thirty years or so, first in New Orleans, and then across the South.

No Broomstick?


Thought for the day:

In The Wizard of Oz, Glinda asks Dorothy if she brought her broomstick with her. She says no.Terrible tornado carries Dorothy's house in a magical land. Raster copy.


You can’t tell me there’s not a broomstick in that whole house. If not, it doesn’t say much about Aunt Em’s housekeeping, now, does it?

Sloth – Couldn’t Reach the Remote


Couldn't Reach the Remote

My entry for the Seven Deadly Sins contest on DeviantArt. Wish me luck. I worked hard on this, unlike Fred here.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock.
Fireplace, grate, TV, TV stand, glass, remote, tile floor, and carpet all taken by me
Skeleton by markopolio-stock on DeviantArt – https: //www.deviantart.com/ markopolio-stock/art/Skeleton-Dead-JPG-40671944
Chair by Jack-Off-Jill;666 on DeviantArt – http: //fav.me/d1cj282
End Table by ED-resources on DeviantArt – http: //fav.me/d29hono
Test Pattern by AliasPercival on DeviantArt – http: //fav.me/ddastnw
Cobweb brushes by tigers-stock on DeviantArt – http: //fav.me/d99v8c0
Cobweb brushes by poisondropstock on DeviantArt – http: //fav.me/d1vk7ge
Cobweb brushes by fire-fuel on DeviantArt – http: //fav.me/d5uojvt
Rats purchased from Shutterstock
Skull Wallpaper purchased from Shutterstock
Spilled Whiskey purchased from Shutterstock

Character Development Series – Romance


Even if you’re not writing a romance, it’s possible one of your characters may be involved in a romance, or at least a flirtation. As an extension, if your character is in a romantic situation, chances are you’re going to write a love scene at some point. It could be something as tame as a first or last kiss or as graphic as porn. I’ve done both, but I usually stay somewhere in between and try to keep it PG-13. Usually. Again, I turn to real people here for inspiration (REMINDER: I won’t use names here, but if you want to know who I’m referring to, send me a private message, and I’ll be glad to share). If you have visuals of your character, study them and use them. If that person has been in a romantic situation, study it. No, I don’t mean Pornhub, unless, of course, you’re writing about a porn star. In that case, knock yourself out (18 and over ONLY).

A couple of reminders: “He” is my go-to pronoun because it’s easier than switching back and forth and using “they” or “their” grates on me. I also use the term “alternative lifestyle” as a catch-all for non-heterosexual interactions because I’m never sure what the current politically correct terms are. That said: Everyone should be able to love how he sees fit. There are no judgments here, and I expect none from my readers. If you’re offended by something, don’t read it. But don’t complain because someone is not offended. Continue reading

Silvenar – Magic: the Gathering, ESO Style



When you first meet Indaenir in Greenshade, he’s a friendly, unassuming little guy who has no idea he’s about to become one of the most powerful people in the entire Aldmeri Dominion. Indaenir sacrifices himself to cleanse the blight from Valenwood. Following his sacrifice, he is revived by Y’ffre and becomes the new Silvenar.

Photomanipulation by me
Screenshots © 2020 Zenimax Online Studios
Card created at www.mtgcardsmith.com

How Did That Get There??


The hubby had totaled the car (no one was injured) and had been driving mine to and from work while we waited for the paperwork. We got a new one (for us) yesterday, so I got my car back. Today, I decided to clean it out.

Inside, I found several empty water bottles, a fold-up hand truck, a golf club (he doesn’t even play golf), several USB cables, and a leash we had been missing.

And a grenade.

I love my husband.

Whisper Wings It. Again. A Solitary Christopagan’s First Imbolc Ritual


Imbolc starts at sunset on February 1 and goes until sunset on February 2. Yep. It’s Groundhog Day.

It’s also the halfway point of Winter. We’re on the backstretch now, and Spring is in view. In Wicca, it’s one of the eight Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year, and we celebrate the Goddess Brigid. In Catholicism, it’s the Feast of St. Brigid. February 2 is Candlemas, the holy day celebrating the presentation of the baby Jesus at the temple.

As a Christopagan, I make my own rituals to incorporate both Wicca and Christianity. I’m still learning, and most of my rituals are really horrible, awkward FUBARs. My first Imbolc was no different.

Continue reading

Featured Artist: Foolish-Hearts


Foolish-Hearts is another friend whom I follow on DeviantArt (most probably will be). She is a talented author and has a novel-length Skyrim fanfiction that she is just finishing up. She’ll be starting on a new one in March, and I’ll add that here when it comes out.

Her fanfiction Ancient Blood is sort of a spinoff of the Dark Brotherhood storyline with some very cool–VERY cool–twists.

Here are the first few chapters of Ancient Blood and some of my favorite artwork. Be sure to check her page out, especially if you’re a fan of Skyrim, and especially Cicero. Just a note: there may be spoilers in the pics, so follow them to her page a your own risk.

Chapter 1 – Fool’s Gold

Chapter 2 – The Implication

Chapter 3 – Cold Hearted

Dressed to Kill by Foolish-Hearts

Pulp Fanfiction by Foolish-Hearts Cicero's Descent into Madness by Foolish-HeartsFool of Hearts vs. The World by Foolish-HeartsBrokenhearted by Foolish-Hearts It Runs in the Family by Foolish-Hearts The Kiss by Foolish-Hearts Just Madness by Foolish-Hearts Oh, Please Say Yes! by Foolish-Hearts A Boy's Best Friend Is His Mother by Foolish-Hearts Hail Sithis by Foolish-Hearts Beauty and the Geek by Foolish-Hearts Respect by Foolish-Hearts New Life 2018 by Foolish-Hearts Facade by Foolish-Hearts